The PF Auto-Typer application simulates key presses on your computer so you can send fake, fun messages to friends. It is easy to install and includes third party software that monitors Internet usage, demographic, hardware, software, and application information about the computer it is installed on. If you don't want to be monitored, watch out for the opportunity to decline during installation of the program. To run Auto-Typer you will require DirectX 8 runtime files or higher. When you first launch it, the auto-typing activation at the bottom section of the interface are disabled. To enable them, you must create a message file using the Source section and by selecting the New option. When you do click Send, a progress bar displays for the length of your message and you can view a log of any of your sent messages afterwards.
Using the Settings feature, you can control the way you want the message simulated and its timings. The predefined settings drop down menu, situated to the right of Settings, allows you to select different speeds and if you select Messenger Spam, the 'Loop forever' feature is enabled. This program will certainly help you to play pranks on your friends and, to take that further, the program's built in programming language - PFATL - extends the action from just text to mouse simulation, command processing, and more. You will be offered Seekapp browser enhancement whilst installing this program too, but you can also decline it.
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